
  • God Talks?

    Let’s talk about God, baby. It’s all about You and Me. There’s always more to see. God is simply a word of convenience. I use it regularly for that simple purpose. Unfortunately, the word literally robs the fullest extent of possibilities. How can a word have so much power as to steal away the magnitude…

  • Changes, Changes, Changes: Hang On!!

    Need I say more? Dealing with the turbulence that comes often with changes, I can lose my cool, lose my patience, lose my calm, lose my mind, and even lose my way. This happens as the physical calm of routine vanishes and the mind enforces new routines and both the mental and physical aspects of…

  • Afraid of Flying? Opportunity for Adventure is Lost

    I saw this video today, following a weekend coaching seminar, and the effect of the video was pronounced with more meaning considering the seminar’s explorations. As I look at the inspiration and ideas that have brightened my eyes over the years, there have equally been many dark storm clouds causing me to batten down the…

  • Life’s Beauty and Mysteries Squashed & Found

    The conflicted craziness that observes our current cultural and societal reality tears at the heart and mind from time-to-time. Today, being pointed to one of Einstein’s writings, I picked the following that resonates with a strong value I hold dear. The really valuable thing in the pageant of human life seems to me not the…

  • She is Wonderful Beyond Expression

    Sometimes we meet people who have a profound impact upon our heart. Two women friends came by for a visit and to take some flour off my hands; good intentions that long ago went awry. They stayed to chat for a couple of hours and somehow the conversation went into intimate and authentic territory without…

  • The Mind is Such a Tool !!

    One the old site, I wrote a piece called a Spiritual Guide. It was written in response to a name-blame-game that objectified these little monsters in your life that sabotaged you. These monsters were called Gremlins based upon Taming Your Gremlins book popularly used by Life Coaches and Career Coaches. Still relevant in a metaphorical…

  • Inspired Focus

    Remember that each person and event may possess a precious gem hidden inside. Make a conscious effort to find it. Challenge yourself and discover what is good about every relationship. Practice looking at the world through the eyes of the Divine, whatever that may be for you. Allow your imagination to perceive the spiritual or…

  • Visualization

    Struggling with ‘where to post’ content from the old site onto the new site, I find myself torn between the blog versus creating a static page. The blog won out. About Visualization When we were young children we would dream without censorship. This gave us a creative edge and an ability to absorb, learn, and…

  • Balance: Flow and Faith

    I found the following, written August 17, 2005, related to the same topics I’ve been revisiting recently. If you’ve ever heard of Spiral Dynamics, I mention it since I can see how the more recent experiences have taken me deeper. In so many areas of life we must always be vigilant of our mental, emotional…

  • How Could It Be?

    Yesterday I shared a significant insight from my own journey. It’s interesting to note that often a powerfully resistant question crops up almost immediately. “What do you mean?” It is a powerful disbelief because this realization places even more responsibility on my doorstep than I had otherwise felt real. This is where the sh1t has…

Got any book recommendations?