
  • Overcoming Challenges: Being vs State of Being

    Most people overwhelmed by and completely identifying with a condition applied to their particular health issue might actually be able to overcome their challenge through exercising their mind. With a focused effort upon creating change within the mind and the thoughts that arise, the effects of the mind upon one’s emotions can evolve. As emotions…

  • Limiting Perspective, Limiting Beliefs: Might as well Sell Your Soul

    Can’t it predict my future? No. Nothing in this world can predict your future better than you can. When told recently it is an unethical world, I felt a number of warning signals flash in my body. Exploring the information received from the experience, and subsequent reflection, I realize the limitations introduced through such beliefs.…

  • The Man Who Waited

    He heard what he had to do. The suggestions came from all over, offering direction and insight. You see, he was after something important in his life, even though he couldn’t quite put his finger on exactly what. He had a general idea, it was just the specifics of it that killed him. There have…

  • Mental Illness: Is it Mind over Matter?

    Please note, this post is not recommending people do not seek proper medical advice, nor stop their medications without first consulting their supervising physician. In many respects, mental illness can be overcome with a concerted effort that applies the mind to the task of creating change. The problem for most is they feel overwhelmed by…

  • What to Look at

    It appears even to me, that much of my writing is heavy, and even full of anger. Reflecting upon what this is all about, many things raced through my mind. One is how someone once wrote inspirationally is now turned to a style and focus that has brought attention to bear upon the darker side…

  • You Don’t Have the Right to Defend Yourself

    What would you say to someone who said you do not have any right to defend yourself? Understand this is in relationship to a conversation, an exchange of words and thoughts, not fists and guns. You don’t have the right to defend yourself. What does that mean? Every individual has the right to self determination,…

  • Difference is What Difference gets | Change Begins Within

    people with bad backgrounds can make a difference There it is. A search phrase. In case you’re wondering, it’s mainly what I do nowadays. Understanding searches, traffic, websites, internet marketing, etc. So I check my stats and look at what traffic brings people to my site. It’s interesting too, because instead of focusing heavily on…

  • Learning – The Hard Way

    the hard way Originally uploaded by Karmalize There are those of us in life who must learn things the hard way. “Hello, nice to meet you.” No matter the reason, my being senses and feels things beyond what my mind accepts. It raises questions for me. Often they are questions that raise my own eyebrow…

  • What People Want

    A question posed last evening brings a strong focus to where any of us would benefit putting our attention. The question simply asked, “What do people want?” This will be a good place to look and to give. As I had my attention upon this question, I began to realize that getting what we want…

  • Nature’s Wisdom – Can Man and Woman Humbly Learn?

    Wonderland Originally uploaded by Hans Vink They walked and came to a place where grew a tamarisk tree, and about the tamarisk entwined a vine holding many bunches of grapes. The old maidservant said, “Behold this tree, of what value would it be were it not for the vine? Would it have any value except…

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