Tag: success

  • Entrepreneur / Artist Journey

    At a networking event, catching up on people I hadn’t seen in a while, one invidual took time to talk about being an entrepreneur. His articulate point of view, personal assessment, about what the journey of an entrepreneur is about, was very insightful. First, he had mentioned that the reason most entrepreneurs fail is they give up too soon. Being…

  • Napoleon Hill, Andrew Carnegie First Meeting | Success Principles

    Napoleon Hill audio shares the story of his first meeting with Andrew Carnegie and stories about his commission to write the Carnegie Success philosophy. During this time he interviewed a number of notable successful businessmen including Henry Ford. This video presentation shares some of the wisdom gained through his relationship with Andrew Carnegie and the…

  • Liking Someone is Useful, Don’t You Think?

    Recently asked what I liked about someone’s personality, other than things that are useful to me, I found myself coming up against a rock and a hard place. The very act of liking anything and anyone brings a sense of joy and wonder to a thirsting soul seeking satisfaction. Disliking does quite the opposite. How…

  • A New Kind of Love

    I’m in Love in a very different way than I’ve ever experienced before. It is not a kind of love that feels all that comfortable to be with. I ache and have these very unusual bodily experiences… not quite muscle ache, but something creeping in the muscles. It’s a tension that comes with this Love.…

  • The Powerful Story: Tragedy or Triumph?

    “So, what are you going to do about it?” he asked again. Listening to his friend lamenting his pitiful circumstances, this was the only question that made any sense. Even so, instead of answering the question, the habit was to respond lamely yet again. “My day started off badly, and three years ago that other…

  • 20 Get Mentally Tough Tips

    I don’t usually share other people’s written material, particularly if it is already on the web. However, this particular article came to me via email, as I also subscribe to Jon’s great Newsletter. This particular list happened to arrive at a time when I, too, needed the encouragement it offered. It’s never that we’re handling…

  • Making Life Happen

    Amazing things happen for some people all the time. I wonder about that. I watch it, wanting to know the secret. Why do amazing things happen for some people consistently? With a stronger sense of curiosity toward this recently, it has been a reminder to what I had already known and experienced. You too probably.…

  • Difference is What Difference gets | Change Begins Within

    people with bad backgrounds can make a difference There it is. A search phrase. In case you’re wondering, it’s mainly what I do nowadays. Understanding searches, traffic, websites, internet marketing, etc. So I check my stats and look at what traffic brings people to my site. It’s interesting too, because instead of focusing heavily on…

  • Go Where The Puck is Going | Success Doesn’t Stand Still

    Yesterday I read the analogy suggested I follow and observe in the coming weeks. Strange how messages are brought to us through various channels that are all saying the same thing. I paid attention and now write the reminder. “Go where the puck is going, not where the puck has been.” A quote for success…

  • Cutting Corners

    It’s something we all do. We’ve put so many systems and structues in place to manage our lives from cradle to grave. Sometimes, they impede our progress and we shave a few inches here or there to get where need to go. I was asked if it was okay to use a service in a…