Go Where The Puck is Going | Success Doesn’t Stand Still
Yesterday I read the analogy suggested I follow and observe in the coming weeks. Strange how messages are brought to us through various channels that are all saying the same thing. I paid attention and now write the reminder. “Go where the puck is going, not where the puck has been.” A quote for success…
Little Things Make all the Difference
The little things that show you care… Originally uploaded by preciouskhyatt Maybe it is because I’m a Virgo, maybe it’s not. I notice the little things all the time, typically having to do with social interactions among people whether in groups or not. Where my observations are even more pronounced is when I’m an active…
Get What You Want Living In The Moment?
Sunday now, mid-morning lazy start in front of the computer; checking the email, catching up and tidying Facebook, and pondering a website plan and wondering how to start. In the background of my mind, my thoughts and emotions roil around the thoughts of an unfulfilled love life, wondering what she is doing with her Sunday…
How it Happens | Homelessness Made Easy
slavery memorial Originally uploaded by Murky1 For all the complaints and accusations I hear about homelessness, drug addicts, alcoholics, and so forth, I’m surprised there are so few complaints about landlords, dealers, growers/manufacturers, and all the various businesses; many of whom are legitimate businesses. As long as there is a market to sustain a livelihood…
Sometimes Heavy Heart Rides the Waves
? I love you… Originally uploaded by Mzelle Biscotte The weight bears down, bringing with it a reminder of all the hopes and dreams, the people and the moments, and the love aches to be remembered and fulfilled. Uncertain futures as good-byes are said, uncertain present times as the ground shifts underfoot, and the heart…
Cutting Corners
It’s something we all do. We’ve put so many systems and structues in place to manage our lives from cradle to grave. Sometimes, they impede our progress and we shave a few inches here or there to get where need to go. I was asked if it was okay to use a service in a…
Dear beautiful woman, I’ve been thinking about you a lot.
Love you Originally uploaded by Plüschelefant Not a day goes by without remembering you. What it feels like to be next to you, to hold you, to see you smile, to hear you laugh, and even more, to look into your eyes. Feelings that are so beautiful to experience, to hold in the moment, that…
The Truth
This word causes so much trouble in this life and world. How can there possibly exist so many truths that lead to so many contradictions? The Truth is in one place only. It is in each and every precious moment. How will you act? How will you love? How will you forgive? How will you…
Belief, Choice, and Hard Work
Small guys, hard work Originally uploaded by Javier Kohen A challenging year of growth started with the witnessing of a software tool that showed great potential for my own business. Given the nature of my history and talents, I was able to offer my services which in turn led to full time employment. Over the…
I’m not preaching any Faith
into the heart Originally uploaded by Came from a conversation: I have so much to share with you. First, understand that I grew up in a family that didn’t observe religion, faith, or anything other than strict discipline and hard work. As a young boy of about 8, as my earliest recollection, a sense…
Got any book recommendations?