The Passion of The Kiss
A faint memory stains my vision but the body remembers exquisitely for more addiction to develop erotic demands the attention in solitude screaming passion electric undercurrent stimulating pheremone cologne and a fiery belly shivering down to groan the delicious whispers of fantasy found in starburst red wet slick juicy full lips ripe with desire tasted…
Crow’s Call Revealed
As the crow brings wing to a taunting call and the float plane drones on overhead I am seated firmly on the old cedar log secure in the resplendent nature that surrounds me I fantasize about life with coffee on hand and cigarette smoldering between fingers With one last drag and licking of lips I…
Medic! Medic! : Helping the Wounded Live
from the archives July 13, 2006 On the battlefield a fallen soldier will often lay there near death, expecting death, when a comrade will stop and offer comfort and aid. Encouraging and strengthening his fallen comrade simply through comfort, the yell will follow, “Medic! Medic!” as help is sought that will bring the wounded soldier…
Too Right, Rotten Sod
Dirty, low-down, rotten sod I am every so often, some days more often than not, I need added spice to feel refreshed, alive, and powerful, pampered, preened, and cockatoo, doodle-dee-do-doo; I am a man, and a boy, sometimes even want to be your toy, slip-sliding away upon your fantasy life risks nothing to demise little…
The Light Crack
Fade from black, it never came back what they look for, they never knew I found myself caught in the crack he sings about it, you know we thought it was between the crack and a hard place it isn’t — it’s just the crack, don’t get caught in a tight one yes, that is…
Poetry | Soul Healer
Kiss me, kiss me true kiss me deep when I’m blue heal all my warm wet tears salted sweet over the years tasted lightly on your tongue the dream to be forever young a salty taste of bitter-sweet a glorious chance we did meet arm in arm and heart to heart you’re my heaven, my…
Teasing the Writer
It can be seen by the lengthy distance between the dates for each blog post, the writer that creatively tells stories that inspire has been lost in the quagmire. Okay, so bad pun! I gotta play with what I got and get the juices flowing again! Of course, with the fingers off the keyboard, the…
Loving Couples: Rare Moments to Last
Time we share together in intimacy creates a sense of togetherness and stimulates individual growth in many ways. It came as a surprise to hear it said, “No one has ever wanted to do that with me,” over something as simple as sharing a bath. I’m reminded often these days of the simple things, the…
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