Tag: Leadership

  • Office Talk and Growing a Company

    Office Talk and Growing a Company

    I am struck by the realities that exist in a place of work. I’ve worked solo for so many years now, that I’ve forgotten what it can be like within the social web and office structures that exist. Joining the “team” my goal was to experience success and growth and to be part of the…

  • The Generous will Feel Abundance

    The Generous will Feel Abundance

    I don’t know what it is that makes it work, but giving begets receiving. There are times when it feels the deck is stacked against your forward progress, that others are getting a better deal, and that you’re somehow always falling behind. I’m in one of those situations now. Outward appearances aren’t always what they…

  • Entrepreneur / Artist Journey

    At a networking event, catching up on people I hadn’t seen in a while, one invidual took time to talk about being an entrepreneur. His articulate point of view, personal assessment, about what the journey of an entrepreneur is about, was very insightful. First, he had mentioned that the reason most entrepreneurs fail is they give up too soon. Being…

  • Adapt or Die ~ Civilization, Society, Individual, Humanity

    The death of a culture, or society, is not a pleasant thought. Yet, looking at history, it can also be seen as an evolution of people. From world wars, civil wars, civil unrest, and demonstrations, we have been witness to major influences upon the course of history through cataclysmic events of varying degrees across various…

  • The Man Who Waited

    He heard what he had to do. The suggestions came from all over, offering direction and insight. You see, he was after something important in his life, even though he couldn’t quite put his finger on exactly what. He had a general idea, it was just the specifics of it that killed him. There have…

  • Nature’s Wisdom – Can Man and Woman Humbly Learn?

    Wonderland Originally uploaded by Hans Vink They walked and came to a place where grew a tamarisk tree, and about the tamarisk entwined a vine holding many bunches of grapes. The old maidservant said, “Behold this tree, of what value would it be were it not for the vine? Would it have any value except…

  • Trust: Whose Got My Back? | Teams & Leaders | Empower Requires Safety

    Tensions run high amidst people sometimes. Being a new body among established people’s relationships is a hairy ordeal. Tonight, a big realization came to light around a deep need that has been burning up my energy through tensions, stress, worries, suspicions, and fears. Normally, these would be manageable and not cause much problem; in this…

  • Lonely Man Searches for Woman | How to Get Laid

    lonely the man searches for the woman This was the search phrase that brought someone to my site.  I googled it myself and went through 15 pages of search results without finding a link to my site. How lonely is that? Even before searching how far into the search results, I felt inspired to write…

  • Are We Awakening? | Civilizations Crossroads | Death of Society

    From the Archives December 2004 I lay here wanting sleep, yet morbidly fascinated with the mood of my body and the thoughts of my mind reflecting on the state of my being and the state of my community. I see the paradox of existence, with a burning desire to follow a higher call into the…