Tag: relationship
On Being Human
Ups and downs, good days and bad are all part of living life. It won’t always be easy sailing. This doesn’t even take into account that catastrophe’s do happen in people’s lives. I’m simply talking about getting up and going about the same business you usually do, and just thinking and feeling, “Wow, this is…
Tweedle-Ant chats to Iman-Ant – Something About Life & Existence
There I was hovering over a busy ant-hill when thought I heard something. I leaned in a little closer to see what it was. You won’t believe it, but I’ll share it anyway. “Do you suppose there is any rhyme or reason to any of this?” Dweedle-Ant posed. “He He He! Of course, Mant! Of…
The Cure for The Curse of Abandonment
Deserted, alone, with nowhere to go, no place to call home because home is where the heart is, and even with the sea of people littering the cityscape, the silence of abandonment echoes deafeningly in me. Hunger for that connection starves rational thought, fed through years of abuse or neglect, and keeps the solution always…
Keep ’em Happy, Keep ’em Serviced, They Stay With You
Are we talking customer service, or are we talking sex? When I heard this statement, I couldn’t help thinking of many variations of where this statement could be applied. In the context of the conversation, it pertained to customer relations. The conversation was with a beautiful young woman which conjured up other possibilities. “CrustyFarts.com would…
Love and Hugs Make You Right!
Working and living the coaching profession, and being driven with the thoughts and questions that have fed these writings over the years, it was natural to begin finding emails arriving in my in-box along similar themes. Not always reading them, I’m glad when I do and find a treasure everyone can use and remember. Quick…
Trust: Whose Got My Back? | Teams & Leaders | Empower Requires Safety
Tensions run high amidst people sometimes. Being a new body among established people’s relationships is a hairy ordeal. Tonight, a big realization came to light around a deep need that has been burning up my energy through tensions, stress, worries, suspicions, and fears. Normally, these would be manageable and not cause much problem; in this…
Truest Challenge
To truly love. Repeat it, carefully and slowly. Let it sink in. No, really, stop reading for a second and just let the phrase, “To truly love,” really seep into your senses. I want you to feel it and its’ ramifications. What I noticed as I contemplated the phrase in its’ enormity, was an expanded…
Inspired Focus
Remember that each person and event may possess a precious gem hidden inside. Make a conscious effort to find it. Challenge yourself and discover what is good about every relationship. Practice looking at the world through the eyes of the Divine, whatever that may be for you. Allow your imagination to perceive the spiritual or…
There is Love in this House
Wow! It’s after 10pm and I’m just getting around to write a blog-entry. I made a commitment just the other day that I’d endeavour to have something written everyday. After such a long and busy day, it can be difficult to find inspiration to write. No? Yes. Well, sort of. You see, the first thing…
Relationship To Everything
Relationship is the problem with everything, and it is the opportunity with everything. That being said, the human tendency is to make it about what is [[external]] rather than [[internal]]. I’ve learnt this through a series of challenging circumstances, observing my actions and reactions, cause and effect, and experiencing some things from different perspectives. You…