Tag: freedom

  • Random Conversations Today | Empowerment

    Lee says, “Our mind is the biggest obstacle to living our life to the fullest.” Life is just one crazy adventure. Control what fires up inside, respond positively, remain always “at choice” and you are truly free. You are not bound to anyone. Pick and choose, have fun, no apologies. Human being Human. Love. When…

  • Truest Challenge

    To truly love. Repeat it, carefully and slowly. Let it sink in. No, really, stop reading for a second and just let the phrase, “To truly love,” really seep into your senses. I want you to feel it and its’ ramifications. What I noticed as I contemplated the phrase in its’ enormity, was an expanded…

  • Attachments Disappoint – Let’s Question, Talk, Share, Discuss, and Understand

    There is something teasing at the edges of my mind. I’m going to do my best to express it. Life is to be lived. Worry kills life. Love inspires life. Anger, it may be a disguise for love, but the only reason you site in anger is you fear going to where love wants you…

  • Surrender | Trust, Faith, Love | Personal Reflections

    I’ve broke promises already made to myself with this blog. I recall one of my earliest posts said I’d post something daily, and that hasn’t happened. Lately, I’ve gotten a bit smarter about it and posted a number on Sunday to self-publish each day of the week. Makes my job just that much easier. However,…

  • The Mind is Such a Tool !!

    One the old site, I wrote a piece called a Spiritual Guide. It was written in response to a name-blame-game that objectified these little monsters in your life that sabotaged you. These monsters were called Gremlins based upon Taming Your Gremlins book popularly used by Life Coaches and Career Coaches. Still relevant in a metaphorical…

  • Visualization

    Struggling with ‘where to post’ content from the old site onto the new site, I find myself torn between the blog versus creating a static page. The blog won out. About Visualization When we were young children we would dream without censorship. This gave us a creative edge and an ability to absorb, learn, and…