Tag: Emotional Intelligence

  • Little Things Make all the Difference

    The little things that show you care… Originally uploaded by preciouskhyatt Maybe it is because I’m a Virgo, maybe it’s not. I notice the little things all the time, typically having to do with social interactions among people whether in groups or not. Where my observations are even more pronounced is when I’m an active…

  • Sometimes Heavy Heart Rides the Waves

    ? I love you… Originally uploaded by Mzelle Biscotte The weight bears down, bringing with it a reminder of all the hopes and dreams, the people and the moments, and the love aches to be remembered and fulfilled. Uncertain futures as good-byes are said, uncertain present times as the ground shifts underfoot, and the heart…

  • Everybody Hurts | Love is Life’s Emotional Journey

    From the Archives. Love and life are funny things that often bewilder us, creating feelings within our body that are not really caused by any physical injury. Take heartbreak for example. Heartbreak is not a pain caused by a physical injury to the heart. The pain we feel is an emotionally generated pain, triggered in…

  • Raw Love: The Power, The Pain, The Vulnerability

    from the archives February 7th, 2005 Why one should be strong enough to let go… Originally uploaded by winterdoll We are all different. We are all the same. Whereas you have uniqueness that manifests through the expression of your values via your behaviours, attitudes, intelligence, and creativity. At the root you seek love and yet,…

  • Emotions Versus Feelings

    Deny your feelings, control your emotions, are often suggestions we might have heard from various sources over the years, whether from family, friends, or experts. What robbery! Anyone who has experienced traumatic moments in life understands the emotional impact, and the lasting impact of those emotions. Grief must be experienced, must be expressed, and must…

  • How to be positive

    Hi, can you tell me how to be more positive? I am finding my self not to be positive about a lot of things. I sure can’t cast any stones for getting caught in that vice-grip. To change… wow… to change. It can be a journey, or it can be a decision. This is most…

  • Mind Emotional Human Potential: Sink or Grow Rich

    The Secret, The Power of Intention, Think and Grow Rich, and a myriad of other top-selling spiritually-minded self-help books send off a vibe that life is easy. Well, they don’t say it directly, however, as an audience we hear all the promises for potential and miss a good number of the steps necessary to get…

  • The Art in Being | Empowered Life and Relationships

    An Artist has a gift for seeing the common everyday normal events, places, and people as something far more revealing in its’ complexity and simple beauty. For some it is in the drawing and painting, for others it is in the molding and shaping, and so on. The landscape that fascinates me and comes to…

  • What is Possible? | Defy the Doubt | Try Anyway!

    From the archives September 13, 2006 A topic of interest relates to a dog, Sassy, who I take out walking Saturday’s and Sunday’s. When I took up the assignment, I was warned about the dog, a Jack Russell Terrier, and her behavioural problems. Avoid other dogs, hang tight around squirrels, she’s very aggressive, and so…

  • Loving Yourself | You Care and They Will Care

    From the archives August 9, 2005 The difficulty in finding love that is good for you stems from the same difficulty you have loving yourself. For those who believe in God or a higher power, to not love yourself is to not love the very source of your existence. To not trust yourself is to…