
  • Fight Back, Learn to Stand Your Ground

    It’s a tragic tale that repeats itself in many families; a child learns that survival depends upon running away. Without an adult to fight or stand behind/beside, the safest recourse is run and hide. These lessons are in themselves not too bad, as the reality in life does yield better results once we’ve learned to…

  • On Being Human

    Ups and downs, good days and bad are all part of living life. It won’t always be easy sailing. This doesn’t even take into account that catastrophe’s do happen in people’s lives. I’m simply talking about getting up and going about the same business you usually do, and just thinking and feeling, “Wow, this is…

  • Who Is Accountable?

    Adelle emerged from the conference room after two long hours of debate. She shook her head from side to side, a genuine look of despair. “I tried,” she shrugged, “but we didn’t make a whole lot of progress. What we … Continue reading →

  • Get Up Again When You Get Knocked Down

    Some days are brutal! I know you know what I mean. We’ve all had them! I’ve had so many metaphors run through my head for how this feels. Keeping your head above water when the world is pushing you under. (I thought it sounded to much related to cash) When you feel like a bobbing…

  • Bleeding Deeds, Life’s Lust

    I lead with my heart, letting deeds bleed me cold. The cruelty of form and substance was told, teach this boy to be a man, to claw and cling for every scrap, this life is our trap and rapture, and all the bleeding a must to trust. Launch yourself into oblivion, again and again unknowingly…

  • The State of Prude

    from the archives 2005 Had a thought today: What good is it to be a prude? I really can’t help but to ask such a question. Let’s examine this word, this character; the prude. Definition of prude is: excessively (often affectedly) squeamish or sexually modest person. Hmm, not a very promising existence. So much of…

  • Sit with this Stream of Consciousness Conversation

    following a stream of consciousness zero equals infinity – you see? no, you can’t fit limitless quantities into nothing sure you can no, you can’t okay, look. with nothing, there are no boundaries, there are no limits; just emptiness so? so, infinite fits into that space, that emptiness huh? yes. and so does our universe.…

  • Growth

    For the sake of writing! There has been a hesitancy, even a fear or sense of dread, about writing on the blog pages of One Man Can. You see, the whole premise of the site, the writing, the coaching, the encouragement, was and is intended to lift people up, challenge people positively with their thinking,…

  • Living Paradise

    Eking out a living in this paradise Gimme Johnny Walker, neat, no ice A few more of those I’ll be alright Getting me through a long slow night Twisted pain of death lines my face Another chance tomorrow my saving grace I’m here to fight, never say die Always chasing truth never a lie Eking…

  • Entrepreneur / Artist Journey

    At a networking event, catching up on people I hadn’t seen in a while, one invidual took time to talk about being an entrepreneur. His articulate point of view, personal assessment, about what the journey of an entrepreneur is about, was very insightful. First, he had mentioned that the reason most entrepreneurs fail is they give up too soon. Being…

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