
  • Where ya been?

    Ha! I said I’d be posting something every day. Did you see what happened over the weekend? Nothing! Absolutely nothing! I had time, or could have made time, I’m sure. So what happened? I see hidden in the corner of my [[consciousness]], this petulant brat who wants to snub his nose at all the demands…

  • Accountability’s Trick

    Accountability is taking ownership, or personal responsibility, for circumstances brought about through their conduct, or choices. There are so many occurrences in our lives where we are called to make decisions, that thousands and millions of decisions were made without even thinking consciously about them. Sort of like flicking away an annoying insect while engrossed…

  • Communication Breakdown

    Filters represent the tint from which we view life, the interference that distorts our audio, and the perspectives that taint our language. I’ve worked through many, and I still have many to recognize and grow through. We’ve all been doing this for a long time at varying rates and by varying degrees. A failure to…

  • Tears of Heaven

    I’m a guy, and I don’t want to cry. It is not something that is easy to explain, nor easy to share. Gawd, why am I even writing about this? Well, this week has been spent in half day workshops with an [[eclectic]] group of men from all walks of life. I have to say,…

  • Conversations

    I’ve been involved in conversations about emotions lately. Anger, communication, response versus reaction. I’ve enjoyed the flow and depth the conversations have taken. Having dived deeply into the emotional pool feared by many men, I have come to gain considerable understanding from my own experiences. Many times, I have shared stories with others, both men…

  • There is Love in this House

    Wow! It’s after 10pm and I’m just getting around to write a blog-entry. I made a commitment just the other day that I’d endeavour to have something written everyday. After such a long and busy day, it can be difficult to find inspiration to write. No? Yes. Well, sort of. You see, the first thing…

  • Relationship To Everything

    Relationship is the problem with everything, and it is the opportunity with everything. That being said, the human tendency is to make it about what is [[external]] rather than [[internal]]. I’ve learnt this through a series of challenging circumstances, observing my actions and reactions, cause and effect, and experiencing some things from different perspectives. You…

  • This Blog’s Plan

    For years I’ve been writing bits and bobs for my website. Prior to the internet I was an avid journal writer. Often times, my writing was very similar to the style of writing in my blog. Often inspiration, more or less conversational, and yet, while it may seem I am talking at you, I’m in…

  • What are you going to do?

    It’s a question that runs through our heads often. More often than not, it is a response to managing difficult situations. You struggle, you fumble, opportunities are missed, reactions are off the mark, and you pick yourself up and try again. When it does come up in conversations, what’s done is done and we respond,…

  • Fickle Fiend Tricks Inspiration

    Days like yesterday and the few before are amazing, inspiring, and wonderful. So many sparks of creativity feeding words and ideas to explore. Turning a phrase, having a laugh, excited about insights, and always learning and creating simultaneously. This morning I sit here wanting terribly to remember some of those pearls, those delightful gems, to…

Got any book recommendations?