
  • Belief, Choice, and Hard Work

    Small guys, hard work Originally uploaded by Javier Kohen A challenging year of growth started with the witnessing of a software tool that showed great potential for my own business. Given the nature of my history and talents, I was able to offer my services which in turn led to full time employment. Over the…

  • I’m not preaching any Faith

    into the heart Originally uploaded by Came from a conversation: I have so much to share with you. First, understand that I grew up in a family that didn’t observe religion, faith, or anything other than strict discipline and hard work. As a young boy of about 8, as my earliest recollection, a sense…

  • Fuelling the Global Warming

    I cannot help myself. I’ve been laughing at the irony and wondering who else recognizes it? How long have we been clamouring for clean air and save the planet? This year we suddenly find ourselves clenching our teeth over the rising fuel prices. not me though, i got a little electric scooter 🙂 Have you…

  • Buying the Myth? | Fly to Freedom Empowers

    from the archives August 20, 2005 Playing Baloon Originally uploaded by moriza So much life conditioning inhibits the brilliance that is in you. Are you accessing all that is available to you? As a brilliant coach, as a creative person, as a brilliant human-being, as a brilliant spiritual being, as a bright light in the…

  • Watzit

    Hey Dood… It’s just past midnight My brother said, “Later” As he walked out the door Finally, the night silence greets my space and I sit at my throned interface to my online world Innovate the click of the eye Weaving the web divine To experience possibilities In the surreal Internet mind © 2008 Lee…

  • The Mirror

    Grow Trees Originally uploaded by Thiru Murugan Everything experienced around you is a reflection of what is within. As I’ve endured, I’ve overcome. As I’ve overcome, I had to embrace. As I embraced, I integrate. As I integrate, I see the mirror more clearly. The more clearly I see, the more quickly I change. The…

  • Success is Man Knowing Himself | Realization, Acceptance, Actualization

    The world has the habit of making room for the man whose actions show that he knows where he is going. – Napoleon Hill. I enjoy the Napoleon Hill expressions myself and regularly get a daily dose. This one stirred more in me than expected, as often does a lot of phrases of advice that…

  • Received on Facebook | Working Together Feeds Better

    A Swami was having a conversation with Lord Shiva one day and said: “Lord, I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like.” Lord Shiva led the Swami to two doors. He opened one of the doors and the Swami looked in. In the middle of the room was a large round table.…

  • Random Thoughts | Life Possibility | Curious Discovers More

    Originally uploaded by andrewlee1967 If you are so caught up in your intellect and what is and has been defined, how will you ever discover more? If you are so stuck on your judgements and beliefs about what is real and what is not, how will you ever discover what is unreal? If you are…

  • Pay Attention to Spirit | Your Inner Knowing Self

    Human spirit Originally uploaded by prakhar Being a spiritual teacher comes as a bit of a shock when first faced with the possibility. It continually made my skin crawl. Not because I don’t want to do it, but who would feel adequate for the job? And yet, the role unwittingly is engaged by me as…

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