This thing was eating at my gut. Sitting at the computer playing my little games wasn’t filling the time. Something is urging me toward action, toward more activity. Where, to what focus, and for what purpose?
I log in to check my site stats. I’ve got lots of archived articles from the old scheduled for release this week. What else is there to do? As I ponder ever so briefly at my WordPress dashboard, eyes glancing over the posts, incoming links, and comments recently added by site visitors. That thing is still pushing.
As quickly as I launched into my WordPress account, I hit the Write Post link and start typing. I feel it gnawing at me, wanting to give voice to the violent push and pull that happens sometimes during transition. Having experienced a few too many set-backs stacked back-to-back, a defensive posture wants to cringe back from the resistance. Big mistake when that happens.
The word success in the title represents becoming the best that you can. It’s not about material wealth, although it would not be without material comforts given the passions, ambitions, purposes, and values that drive you. There is no right or wrong, there are just differences, just as there are many people. With life having crashed reality back down the personal evolution chain, a time may arise when there is no belief, will, or strength to continue.
Push on! This is what it is to become anything. Overcoming has been the milestone in every achievement set upon by any person, at any age, for any reason. From learning to tie a shoe-lace, to reaching the summit of Mount Everest. Frustration, fear, anger, tears, and all that negative garbage that gets in your way, is just stuff for you to overcome.
Push on! Face it Head-On, and Change Toward Success!
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