
  • The Miniature Earth

    The Miniature Earth Are you grateful for your lot in life? I am – suddenly, more than ever.

  • Achieve Personal Potential – Are You?

    Ralph Waldo Emerson once observed, “Our chief want in life is somebody who will make us do what we can.” I remember when I was parenting young children how rules, discipline, and boundaries created a stronger sense of security for both of the boys. For a time, trying to be ultra-modern and free, we offered…

  • The Miniature Earth

    Indigenous Native American Prophecy (Elders Speak part 1) Watch this through – it is in complete alignment with much of what I’ve been shown through my writing – should you choose to dig deeper, you too will see.

  • Illuminated Teaser

    Illuminated Teaser This is a great video, with promise of a great message just from the title alone. What is

  • Illness of the Body

    Nobody likes to be sick. Runny noses, aching muscles, bones, and organs, sneezing, coughing, headaches, shivers, chills, fevers, and other unmentionable symptoms wrack the body, and suck the energy right out of the body. This is exactly where I have found myself the last few days with an overwhelming force. Prior to that I struggled…

  • Consider This

    Is Life ravenous? Is Life possessive? Consider the idea, the thought, and the implications from a variety of perspectives. See what happens, or shows up.

  • You know… No, really – You Know

    Okay, so you might think I’ve got my act together with all the wonderful advice that seems to come from what I write. Why, how, where, what… ugh… Sometimes, I wonder where it comes from, why I have to share it, who really cares, does it really matter, and so on. Oops… Did I just…

  • Experience Joy

    Open up to Life  my heart, fear not your feelings of hurt and pain, they burnish the gild inside a false shell hiding the meat, your life! To be surrendered. “You belong to me ,” she said. Copyright ©  2007 Lee Down, all rights reserved

  • Christmas is Coming!

    This has been an incredibly busy and fast-changing fall season; at least, for me it has. It’s strange actually, as I suddenly contemplate what next to say, that as I observe the difference of this fall season against the summer, that the fall season seems more frenetic. First it is the end of summer and…

  • Social Networking becomes Judge, Jury, and Executioner

    Reputations are vanishing with the click of a mouse. The risks of social networking can impact any individual, company and brand. Sites like Facebook and MySpace are being checked by employers, recruiters and clients – and they’re about to become more easily searchable. While the risks can be devastating, when social networking is managed thoughtfully,…

Got any book recommendations?