She is Wonderful Beyond Expression

Sometimes we meet people who have a profound impact upon our heart. Two women friends came by for a visit and to take some flour off my hands; good intentions that long ago went awry. They stayed to chat for a couple of hours and somehow the conversation went into intimate and authentic territory without any effort. As experiences, observations, and insights are shared, a recognition of such magnitude arose that cracked the rumbling walls holding emotions in check. I experienced a love and acceptance that affirmed.

I dare not try to explain further. Reaching for elusive words to describe the indescribable is fruitless. Only those with a glimmer of experience such as this will know it, and those with a glimmer of hope or distant memory will want for it, resonating with the desire for such an experience. And not simply desire, there is a rightness to it that fits. I wish to express…. and am lost for the words.

There is an important principle behind this event that I wish to share. Holding tightly to agendas loses opportunities meant for life to unfold in the best way possible. I had a few commitments today, and also had to juggle things at last minute relating to deadlines, and yet, my day only fulfilled one commitment so far. The rest was responding to the opportunity in the moment. The gift received, immeasurable in its’ effect, did something for me, whether you wish to call it heart, psyche, or whatever. Whatever it might be, its’ effects are positive and often necessary.

Oh, but wait. What about those other commitments? Two to four hours diverted, receiving immeasurable and helpful benefits to my well-being, versus the stress of deadlines and catching up? Sounds like I got more out of my day by going with the opportunity rather than sticking to my idea of commitments and an agenda. What next? I’ll sit down and start doing what was neglected. The best part is, most often, with a clear head and heart, the work will be more productive and less of a burden, maybe even becoming joy – as we all deserve to experience.


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