Tag: intimacy
On Being Human
Ups and downs, good days and bad are all part of living life. It won’t always be easy sailing. This doesn’t even take into account that catastrophe’s do happen in people’s lives. I’m simply talking about getting up and going about the same business you usually do, and just thinking and feeling, “Wow, this is…
Medic! Medic! : Helping the Wounded Live
from the archives July 13, 2006 On the battlefield a fallen soldier will often lay there near death, expecting death, when a comrade will stop and offer comfort and aid. Encouraging and strengthening his fallen comrade simply through comfort, the yell will follow, “Medic! Medic!” as help is sought that will bring the wounded soldier…
Keep ’em Happy, Keep ’em Serviced, They Stay With You
Are we talking customer service, or are we talking sex? When I heard this statement, I couldn’t help thinking of many variations of where this statement could be applied. In the context of the conversation, it pertained to customer relations. The conversation was with a beautiful young woman which conjured up other possibilities. “CrustyFarts.com would…
Nature’s Wisdom – Can Man and Woman Humbly Learn?
Wonderland Originally uploaded by Hans Vink They walked and came to a place where grew a tamarisk tree, and about the tamarisk entwined a vine holding many bunches of grapes. The old maidservant said, “Behold this tree, of what value would it be were it not for the vine? Would it have any value except…
The Art in Being | Empowered Life and Relationships
An Artist has a gift for seeing the common everyday normal events, places, and people as something far more revealing in its’ complexity and simple beauty. For some it is in the drawing and painting, for others it is in the molding and shaping, and so on. The landscape that fascinates me and comes to…
He Said, She Said | The Relationship Triangle | Successful Relations
From the archives June 29, 2005 Most people get involved in a relationship for the right reasons and leave a relationship for the wrong reasons. In fact, most of us have been guilty of it at one time or another and of being a complete spaz demanding we get our way in the relationship. Remember…
She is Wonderful Beyond Expression
Sometimes we meet people who have a profound impact upon our heart. Two women friends came by for a visit and to take some flour off my hands; good intentions that long ago went awry. They stayed to chat for a couple of hours and somehow the conversation went into intimate and authentic territory without…