Tag: choices

  • Get Up Again When You Get Knocked Down

    Get Up Again When You Get Knocked Down

    Photograph by Lee Down Some days are brutal! I know you know what I mean. We’ve all had them! I’ve had so many metaphors run through my head for how this feels. That’s enough of that, the title says enough – like that song, “I get knocked down, but I get up again. You’re never…

  • Get Up Again When You Get Knocked Down

    Some days are brutal! I know you know what I mean. We’ve all had them! I’ve had so many metaphors run through my head for how this feels. Keeping your head above water when the world is pushing you under. (I thought it sounded to much related to cash) When you feel like a bobbing…

  • We The Consumed

    We the consumed hereby swear to uphold the ugly truth, to turn a blind eye, and ensure the survival of the free marketplace to which we will become slave to,  believing in the false security that it will continue to support our best interests. Psychology is a very big part of the markets that support…

  • Empowering Choices

    Being told who to be, what to do, how to act, what to wear, where to go….. STOP!! I’m certain we all encounter spaces in our world experience where enough-is-enough.Whether you had parents telling you to be a doctor when you wanted to be a painter, or you are not fitting in because you are…

  • Gates of Perspective

    How you look at things determines what you see. Difficult experiences cast a shadow upon the lens of the soul, as many express the limiting perspectives these experiences create. Recognizing and making choices to push beyond a limiting perspective yields enormous potential. The challenge I’m finding now is combining head and heart without burning out.

  • Afraid of Flying? Opportunity for Adventure is Lost

    I saw this video today, following a weekend coaching seminar, and the effect of the video was pronounced with more meaning considering the seminar’s explorations. As I look at the inspiration and ideas that have brightened my eyes over the years, there have equally been many dark storm clouds causing me to batten down the…