Tag: business

  • Office Talk and Growing a Company

    Office Talk and Growing a Company

    I am struck by the realities that exist in a place of work. I’ve worked solo for so many years now, that I’ve forgotten what it can be like within the social web and office structures that exist. Joining the “team” my goal was to experience success and growth and to be part of the…

  • Entrepreneur / Artist Journey

    At a networking event, catching up on people I hadn’t seen in a while, one invidual took time to talk about being an entrepreneur. His articulate point of view, personal assessment, about what the journey of an entrepreneur is about, was very insightful. First, he had mentioned that the reason most entrepreneurs fail is they give up too soon. Being…

  • Harvesting For the Long Haul | Sales, Service 101

    Business trends have always swung extreme-to-extreme in conduct, behaviour, and strategy (or tragedy). Human Capital is always the bottom-line for every transaction and reason for being. Losing sight of this creates all sorts of havoc in social spheres and financial spheres. Examples of short-term thinking losing sight of the long-term impact. A quick buck is…

  • It is a privilege to serve you

    I was just reviewing the search terms from my WordPress stats service. It touches my heart seeing the search terms, as I wonder at the quality of people and the hope for humanity and our future. Check it out: Search Views dance for life 1 JOY, LOVE, HAPPINESS, LAUGHTER AND BEA 1 Yesterday Search Views…

  • Social Networking becomes Judge, Jury, and Executioner

    Reputations are vanishing with the click of a mouse. The risks of social networking can impact any individual, company and brand. Sites like Facebook and MySpace are being checked by employers, recruiters and clients – and they’re about to become more easily searchable. While the risks can be devastating, when social networking is managed thoughtfully,…