
  • Poetry | Dichotomous Truth

    Refined ignorant masses of sexual beasts Controlled existence to behave civilized Locked in the prison of every mind The fantasies of truth subverting lives Questions of insanity always abound Creating chaotic confusion in doubt The facade growing heavier with time Weight collapsing as cracks crumble Unable to withstand the growing appetite Left untended deep within…

  • Anger | Bridge Over Troubled Water | Patience, Love, God

    From the archives An interesting event occurred yesterday (June 8, 2006) that revealed anger to be an opportunity. I was walking back home after an appointment downtown in the morning and had an encounter with a rude motorist. I gestured a “what gives” posture as I tried to cross at the intersection, on the pedestrian…

  • Arrogance Doesn’t Become You

    Okay, I admit it. Sometimes I can come across as arrogant. In fact, sometimes I probably am acting arrogant. How else could I recognize what I’m about to write? Recently, I became involved with an organization building community. This transition didn’t come easily for me, having to overcome a number of personal challenges. We could…

  • TED in Half | Ken Robinson – Creativity in Education

    TED in Half | Ken Robinson – Creativity in Education

  • TED in Half | William McDonough – Cradle to Cradle Design

    TED in Half | William McDonough – Cradle to Cradle Design

  • Life Changes a Man | Man Changes Life | Transformation Journey

    A lot can change in a man’s life, and a lot in life can change a man. This is my story. In the past, my site was my business. I am a Professionally Trained Life Coach from the highly acclaimed Coaches Training Institute. That training was pivotal in providing tools to engage and struggle through…

  • Notice the Curse of Consciousness

    Notice the Curse of Consciousness Who, or what, is really happy? Humans? Or Life just Being?

  • Extinction Follows Man, Child Pleas for Life & Future

    Extinction Follows Man, Child Pleas for Life & Future She’s not wrong. I sat and spoke down with some older folks, one of them my family member one day a good few years back and challenged them about the decisions they make and made. You want to know the Babyboomer responses to this question? A:…

  • Life After Death

    Death is not a topic many people could say they enjoy. Strangely, today and recently I’ve had numerous conversations with others about life, death, and god. There is a peace that comes with exploring the balance, meaning, and experience of these three topics. A portion of expanding thoughts includes influences from science as well. Today,…

  • Lynyrd Skynyrd – Simple Man

    Lynyrd Skynyrd – Simple Man Try to be a simple man. Not always easy words to live by, and listening to this song really speaks to much timeless wisdom we have all heard and felt ring true. Be inspired by its’ call upon your heart… or not.

Got any book recommendations?