
  • Gratitude Excites Life | Feeling and Creating Success in Difficult Times

    From the archives August 28, 2006 Getting excited about life can sometimes seem elusive when we’re dealing with many challenges and the associated stress. We always want to experience the best that life has to offer. At times, this preference may have us trying to avoid the challenges life throws our way. Regardless of my…

  • Insights & Skills Enable Social Media Development

    My occupation as a coach has been an up and down struggle as other life circumstances dictated many lessons. This has been instrumental in exploring the inner experiences, thoughts, and emotions, and relating that in words unique to my experiences or insights. I do so in the best way that I can at that moment,…

  • What is Possible? | Defy the Doubt | Try Anyway!

    From the archives September 13, 2006 A topic of interest relates to a dog, Sassy, who I take out walking Saturday’s and Sunday’s. When I took up the assignment, I was warned about the dog, a Jack Russell Terrier, and her behavioural problems. Avoid other dogs, hang tight around squirrels, she’s very aggressive, and so…

  • Loving Yourself | You Care and They Will Care

    From the archives August 9, 2005 The difficulty in finding love that is good for you stems from the same difficulty you have loving yourself. For those who believe in God or a higher power, to not love yourself is to not love the very source of your existence. To not trust yourself is to…

  • Let It Go: Free Your Emotions | Healthy Emotional Expression

    From the archives March 2, 2005 Too often today I read messages, books, and lessons that suggest “do not express your emotions.” Rather, it is expected that I “rise above them” and stay centred. There is some truth to those suggestions but it also ignores some steps. Over the past two years I have dealt…

  • Faithful Emotions | The Inner Experience | Life Experience

    From the archives September 29, 2005 The sad clown attracts us and evokes a feeling of sadness and compassion. Have you ever noticed that the sadness and compassion really feels like it is for you? Often we live our suppressed emotional experiences through some other external situation, mainly entertainment. Once we’re in a safe environment,…

  • Living Profoundly | A simple secret to a well-lived life

    From the archives August 13, 2005 When you realize that you really want to have an impact in this world, to make a difference, remember that it is in each moment that you are alive and in the present. When you are too busy worrying about what you don’t have, what you have to do,…

  • The Truth About Emotional Intelligence | Some Healing Required

    From the archives January 21, 2005 There is so much emphasis on emotional intelligence these days that it appears that people are suppressing their emotions and problems in an effort to “fit in,” to keep their jobs, and using “positive self-talk” to muscle through the rough spots in their lives. Recently, I had a friend…

  • Chasing the Rainbow | Live the Adventure

    From the archives October 12, 2004 it doesn’t matter what your challenge is in life, the same principles apply. As children, hearing the fable of the pot-o-gold at the end of the rainbow, we were relentless in pursuing the rainbow. We were always sure that sooner or later we would find that pot-o-gold. Whenever we…

  • Lonely Man Searches for Woman | How to Get Laid

    lonely the man searches for the woman This was the search phrase that brought someone to my site.  I googled it myself and went through 15 pages of search results without finding a link to my site. How lonely is that? Even before searching how far into the search results, I felt inspired to write…

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