There are times when so much change is underway that the forces can be felt pushing from all sides. Weathering this pressure isn’t the real difficulty – performing is. The mind’s ability to think clearly with focus becomes obscured. At least, this is my experience. Regrettably, without knowing this and remembering too, this becomes stressful…
Life | A steep climb
Life can feel like such a steep climb some times. After spending a day with an intriguing personality, I quickly found myself disappointed as they departed taking my change of heart as a personal slight. This over-the-top reaction caused me to ponder the fictional stories I create in my own mind over the actions and…
Friends versus People I Know
A recent conversation stated that I don’t feel that I have any friends. Querying deeper, “of course I have friends,” I responded. It is in the distinction of the value-exchange that I require in a relationship to make that final leap. This isn’t to say there is no value in the people I know; there…
Tama Kieves | Tama’s Musings | Love Letter from Divine
Tama J. Kieves is a kindred spirit in the world of coaching. I often enjoy reading her email newsletters and this one received today is one of those rare beauties that I’m delighted to share with my readers. Tama’s Musings reprinted with permission. (Note: This was supposed to go out on Valentine’s Day, but we…
Gates of Perspective
How you look at things determines what you see. Difficult experiences cast a shadow upon the lens of the soul, as many express the limiting perspectives these experiences create. Recognizing and making choices to push beyond a limiting perspective yields enormous potential. The challenge I’m finding now is combining head and heart without burning out.
Trust: Whose Got My Back? | Teams & Leaders | Empower Requires Safety
Tensions run high amidst people sometimes. Being a new body among established people’s relationships is a hairy ordeal. Tonight, a big realization came to light around a deep need that has been burning up my energy through tensions, stress, worries, suspicions, and fears. Normally, these would be manageable and not cause much problem; in this…
Anger is Love Articulating Boundaries
A common human / spiritual / Life commonality, recognized in the spiritual/religious life, is to have respect for all life. Every day, the bad habits gained through life’s learning cause human beings to intentionally cross that line multiple times throughout a day. Someone who experiences this the violation of respect triggers anger, the negative manifestation…
The Art in Being | Empowered Life and Relationships
An Artist has a gift for seeing the common everyday normal events, places, and people as something far more revealing in its’ complexity and simple beauty. For some it is in the drawing and painting, for others it is in the molding and shaping, and so on. The landscape that fascinates me and comes to…
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