Cosmic Energy No 18.9, acrylic on canvas, 80x80cm by Milly Martionou

Exploring Thought

Cosmic Energy No 18.9, acrylic on canvas, 80x80cm by Milly Martionou

Cosmic Energy No 18.9, acrylic on canvas, 80x80cm by Milly Martionou

What happens to a mind that gets lost? Awareness and the ability to process daily the numerous details of life whittles away into the sawdust. A blankness envelopes the mind in a subtle sense of confusion, numb to something undefinable.

At times, a questioning energy surrounds the cloud looking for a way in or out, wondering what has happened to the real me. Nothing happens though. Days, weeks, months slip by, while a new seeking questions every little detail trying to ascertain the cause and effect that might be undone and a sense of normalcy will return.

With vague memories of better days, seen through a distorted and faded fog, when an opportunity appears a bold step faltering walks forward. The strain and the torment hidden from view, no one is the wiser. Step-by-step, is the hope each day, that tomorrow will be new, and in time something comfortable and near will replace this uncertain fear.





2 responses to “Exploring Thought”

  1. Karen Fuller Avatar
    Karen Fuller

    OMG I am so glad my daughter introduced me to your site. The review about the mind is so what my mom is going thru. She was always happy, funny and very spunky. Now there are more days when she low of spirit and just trying to connect with her former happy self. Then people or conversations happen that allow her these wonderful moments and she lightens up the room. I will continue to do and learn all I can toh r llo my mom have a fulfilling life in this her senior years. Thanks again for your insight and sharing

    1. Lee Down Avatar
      Lee Down

      Hearing something like that makes my heart so glad 🙂

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