Tag: Loss

  • Medic! Medic! : Helping the Wounded Live

    from the archives July 13, 2006 On the battlefield a fallen soldier will often lay there near death, expecting death, when a comrade will stop and offer comfort and aid. Encouraging and strengthening his fallen comrade simply through comfort, the yell will follow, “Medic! Medic!” as help is sought that will bring the wounded soldier…

  • Life in the Desert | Shaping the Spirit Within

    From the archives April 27, 2006 The journey through life, full of many twists and turns, can at times leave you breathless, wondering where you went wrong. It appears that going wrong is the only obvious explanation for the turmoil that you face. With the soul parched, struggling to find meaning and purpose, the desolate…

  • Everybody Hurts | Love is Life’s Emotional Journey

    From the Archives. Many writers and editors critique the wordiness of my writing. I encourage you to embrace that feature. I’m not just sharing head-knowledge. I am endeavouring to take you to a place that you can feel, know, and understand. Love and life are funny things that often bewilder us, creating feelings within our…